I went to see The Watch today, and as I was exiting the theater after the show, my UDP/ boyfriend tapped me and said, "I'd hate to be in that line." I look over and at the front of the line for Batman is a guy in a suit, wanding people as they enter the theater!
Not only is this ludicrous because the odds of another shooting at a batman movie are about a billion to one, but the line getting wanded was already inside the theater and past the ticket-taker. So in other words, only the people in line for the Batman movie would get searched, even as everyone else seeing any other movie waded past and around them.
If I would have been able to snap a photo I would have to post it here, but my phone was still off (from being in the movie) and we were already arousing suspicion by staring and questioning the necessity of the man in the suit aloud.
The really sad part is, no one in the line looked offended. Some appeared mildly irritated that they had to stand in a line, but no one seemed angry. Some were even standing calmly and unmoved as if it was perfectly normal to be wanded before entering a movie theater.
I might be getting ahead of myself, but the day I have to stand in line to be wanded, frisked, or body-scanned just to see a movie is the last time I will be seeing one in a theater. Is this a temporary overstep in attempt to quickly calm the masses to ensure Batman makes it's millions, or a window into what will come as we transition into an East German totalitarian dictatorship with checkpoints at the theater, grocery store, and every major road "for our protection"?
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