Friday, September 7, 2012

I'm disappointed in you Mojang

Admittedly, I did not know there was going to be an upcoming Minecon. I don't live near close enough to go anyway. Mojang, WHY, I ask, would the most open and free spirited game on the planet, with possibly the most reasonable and unoffensive or privacy invasive TOS I have ever read, have it's Con at DISNEYLAND. Disney is a copyright hoarding, lawsuit-mongering, child-brainwashing machine of a company, that rolls down the road of entertainment, attempting to absorb anything of trend and value and pervert it into its own brand of escape-proof and over marketed, over trademarked entertainment.

I started playing Minecraft perhaps about 6 months ago, after getting the impression that EVERYONE on the bitcoin forums was playing, and not understanding the true genius and potential of the game. Everyone else seemed addicted, but the screenshots seemed so cheesy. There had to be more to the game than was visible from the surface.

Now that I have given it a fair chance, I really feel that it is one of the best games ever in terms of letting you express your inner creativity, inventiveness, and personality, all while scaring the poop out of you with creepy noises that exceed the graphics by about 100 fold. There is plenty of hoarding for the hoarders, and no backlog of missions on your to do list preventing you from having fun in life.

I would like to add a mini-boo to They are running a contest, with the top 3 artists winning a trip to Minecon. Aside from the Disney factor, I have vowed never to travel via airplane again anyway because of the TSA. 

That aside: Threadless, why does the winner win ONE ticket and airfare to Minecon? Don't most contests let you win A PAIR of tickets? Are you assuming people who play Minecraft have no girlfriend, boyfriend, or anyone that would be pissed if you won and went to Paris by yourself? I understand intercontinental airfare is expensive, but alternatively you could have offered fewer winners that could have brought their significant other instead of facing their wrath.

Boo. You just lost 2 points.

I suppose you can have one back for this though.


While still on the topic of Minecraft, I just gotta get me one of these necklaces.

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