Sunday, July 8, 2012

Hoarding: Not just for Hoarders anymore.

I've always been a hoarder......

  • First baby toy-got it. 
  • The sweatshirt I was wearing when I told my mom she wasn't allowed to wash my clothes anymore-got it. 
  • The stuffed dinosaur I received as a gift the year I discovered there was no Easter Bunny-yup, got that one too.

I even admit that sometimes, when stuff comes boxed in an exceptionally nice box with a cool design, or the folded paper part of the packaging that is stapled to the item containing bag below just looks too cool to throw away, I've stored it away to look at later. I've even kept shirts with holes in them if I can remember something I did while wearing them or......well, you get the picture.

Now that I'm a "prepper", as people are terming us these days, hoarding is OK! and I've put my finely tuned skill to good use. I've directed all of my hoarding potential towards materials, food, supplies and tools for useful skills when it all breaks down. It's as if I've been training my whole life for this: Learning to tetris those cases of beans ever so neatly in the closet, leaving maximum potential for more. Pretending I don't have an internet shopping addiction. How can my boyfriend be mad when our very survival may depend on my ability to hoard??

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